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Event publicizes employment policies at universities

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-09-18

An event aimed at convincing more graduates to work and start businesses in Guiyang City and Guian New Area was held on Sept 8 at Qiushi College of Guizhou Normal University and on Sept 11 at Guizhou Education University.

The event was carried out by the Guiyang municipal bureau of human resources and social security, along with the Guiyang municipal bureau of housing and urban-rural development and Guiyang municipal bureau of public security.


The event at Qiushi College of Guizhou Normal University is attended by many students. [Photo/guiyang.gov.cn]

The event at Qiushi College of Guizhou Normal University attracted nearly 200 graduating students. Staff members from the Guiyang municipal bureau of human resources and social security explained job opportunities and policies in Guiyang and Guian to the graduates.

They detailed the functions of the "Zhurencai" app, which provides students with pathways for finding jobs, policy information, accessible services, and convenient document processing.

Rental subsidies and zero-threshold household registration policies were also introduced to students.


Brochures on employment policies are distributed to students at Guizhou Education University. [Photo/guiyang.gov.cn]

At Guizhou Education University, brochures on the employment, housing, and household registration policies of Guiyang and Guian were handed out to students.

During the two-day promotion, over 2,000 sets of promotional materials related to policies on employment, entrepreneurship, talent, housing, and household registration were distributed.

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